Monday, May 30, 2011

Happy Day

As I type, my house is filled.  Along with our 6 family members, we also have my brother's family of 6 here since Friday.  4 Adults, 4 boys ages *almost*15 down to 8, and 4 girls ages 12 down to 5. 
My parents and more family joined us yesterday. 

We had a wonderful day yesterday celebrating this woman:

My sweet mother.  She is a super hero, ya know.
You probably have your own, she is ours.
Happy Birthday Mom- We love you !!

I simply adore having company.  Yes, its crazy.  Yes, the kids eat like its the end of the world.  Yes, its crowded.  But its also the kind of busy, crazy that just gives you a warm snuggly feeling down inside.  I don't think we could've given her a better gift with all the money in the world.  She said her only wish was to have our (the family) brood multiply.  Hmmmmm, not sure we'll give her that much.

Hope everyone has a wonderful Memorial Day!  In all the fun and celebration, please do not forget to be thankful for every man and woman that is working so that we may have these freedoms and special times with our family and friends.

Monday, May 23, 2011

It's a Great Monday

Today was a great Monday.  Just a few things I am happy for today:

J got up and ready for school on time and happy.

My girls slept until 9:30 am.  I think they were exhausted.

T did his school work like a champ, and will be finished tomorrow or Wednesday.

A got all of her work done (even caught up on some) and will be finished Thursday.

After Thursday- home school is DONE.  This year and next.

Baseball is over-for both boys.  Proud of them both, but glad to be done.

Thankful we have a savings account.  With the change of jobs, we have had to live on it until the new paycheck cycle comes around.

Got Stanford test results for A and T-  both have scored at the top for their respective grade levels.  After a year of feeling like I was ineffective and we were just surviving, this was great news!

Thankful for a husband that loves us so much and endures 12 hour days just to provide for his family.

While I realize this is just the riveting kind of writing that keeps readers coming back,  this is all my running-on-fumes-for-twelve-straight-days brain has to offer this evening.  I will be getting the kids to bed soon, and then I will proceed to become worthless  will be putting my feet up for some time with MY MAN!!  (That last part was just for Bevy!)

P.S  I have tried to upload a new (hilarious and totally cute) Boredom Breeds post, but unfortunately, I cannot get the video to upload.  Bummer.  I will continue to work on it.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


In my last post I talked about finding ways to serve, or do something to show love to your spouse.  Tonight, I have the perfect example!! 

Today was one of those days.  You know the ones.  The day where you think your head may literally come off, spin around, and then land back on your shoulders, though not in the same capacity that it left.

My 5-year old was acting like a 16-year old.  My 8-year old was acting like a 2-year old, and my 12-going-on-16-year old was acting like a 2-year old one minute and a 15-year old the next.  Get the picture? 

On top of everything else, we are still getting used to Big Daddy's new job an hour away, and the fact that he is getting home a little later.  This leaves me to handle all the afternoon activities for our 4 bundles of terror sweet little angles.

Alas, Big Daddy got home and immediately asked what HE COULD DO FOR ME!  (Can you say WOO-HOO!?!)  He allowed me to go running (always good for the stress levels) while he fed the little darlings supper.  THEN, while I took a quick shower, he put them to bed and had this waiting for me on the counter:

I rarely drink.  But this is awesome.  He could have gone with my favorite Diet Dr. Pepper, but no.  He understood my day, went with the only-on-special-occasions kind of drink. 

It was more than "sorry you had a bad day, honey".  This was "I am soooo sorry you had a rough time today, I care about you, and hope this will help show you how much I appreciate what you do".   See the difference?  A little ABCD is all it takes sometimes.

Above and Beyond the Call of Duty

Love intentionally my friends-

Monday, May 9, 2011

do not get comfortable

My heart is heavy.  I have been feeling an urgency to pray for marriages.  Mine and yours.  I don't need to know you, or your spouse.  I just know in my heart that marriages all over the world are under attack.  They always have been, but now more than ever.  Why?  Because Satan knows exactly what he's doing.  Do you know what he's doing?  You should. 

Marriage was designed and created by God.  Man alone could not have created something so beautiful, complete, or lasting.  Man alone does a great job at destroying what marriage was created to be- everlasting covenant between one man, one woman AND GOD.  Yep-all three.  I think people have gotten so comfortable that we are leaving God out of marriages and allowing Satan to sneak in the cracks like little insects in our homes.  We see little "signs" that trouble may be lurking, but until we realize there is an infestation, we sit in our comfortable little bubbles thinking all is well. 

Are you comfortable?  Are you just going through the motions assuming things are just fine?  Do you have the mindset that "it won't happen in our marriage"?   Do you think that just because things seem good, that they really are?  Then you are too comfortable. 

We who are married need to be intentional with the relationship with our spouses.  How you ask?  Here are a few things I have found to be HUGE:

  • Pray- all the time for your spouse.   Do NOT pray for the Lord to change him/her.  Pray with an encouraging heart to build up your spouse.  Trust me- if you start nit-picking to the Lord about your spouse, the Lord will start allowing you to see all the areas you yourself need to change (*been there, done that*).  Pray that you will become the spouse of his or her dreams, and let the Lord work out the rest.  (*am there, doing that*)
  • Serve- Look for little ways to do something for your spouse.  Especially when you think they don't deserve it!  Not only will this show unconditional love to your spouse, but its really hard to be mad when you are extending love.
  • Communicate-  Set aside time where you and your spouse have time to communicate without distraction.  This is especially important (and hard!) with younger kids.  Even if you think what you have to say isn't important.  Trust me- it is important!  *Truth be told- this is a biggie in our marriage*
  • Get physical!  Find time to give an extra hug, and hold it extra long.  Hold hands whenever possible.  Give a little extra squeeze on the arm or shoulder when you walk by.  Its great to even throw in a wink!!  Seriously- it will make you feel like you are dating again- with perks!!  And of course- have sex.  Sex is what separates the marriage relationship from all others!  It is God's gift to a couple.  It's the closest 2 people can be physically.  Let's just cut to the chase.  Sex is huge in a marriage, but let's not forget its only for those married to each other.  No swinging, no extras- in the bed or on the TV.  I personally think its sad to have to add that last part, but its a sad reality for our culture.  Like I said- Satan knows what he is doing!
  • Encourage and Appreciate!  Never miss a moment to say Please, Thank-you,  I Love You, and I Appreciate You.  We are working on this, and I will say its great!  The more I do it, the more he does it.  Or maybe it's the other way around- who knows.
There are so many other things.  These are just a few that we have tried or are doing now.  No marriage is off limits.  Satan is on the prowl.  Don't give him an "in".  We have been there- are there and I know many of you are as well.  Remember this recent post?  Yep, totally the result of being too comfortable.  Remember where it said "I have been here before"?  Yep, totally the result of getting too comfortable.  I doesn't get any easier.  If anything- it gets harder.  I have shared some of our story with other women (older and younger) recently only to find that almost everyone I talk to has a story where their marriage is being attacked. 

I will continue to pray for all marriages (even yours).  Have a request? The comments on this post will be confidential until I read them.  If you wish to ask me to pray for something specific, I will not post it. I will, however, pray. Satan never sleeps, but neither does my God.  The best thing you can do for your marriage?  Pray for the protection that only God provides, be intentional, and DO NOT get comfortable.
Aundrea (for whatever reason my name won't load)

P.S  Here a some great books:
      "The Power of A Praying Wife" by Stormie Omartian.  (Of course, they also have "The Power of A Praying Husband" too!!)
      "Becoming the Woman of His Dreams: Seven qualities every man longs for"  by Sharon Jaynes
      "Help Me I'm Married"  by Joyce Meyer

Friday, May 6, 2011

Boredom breeds......

I am back with another installment of what happens around here when I tell my kids they cannot have electronic entertainment.   If you missed the first Boredom breeds moment,  you can view it here.

While I will admit that this isn't quite as funny, I will say that it is quite creative.  I would have never thought to "drive" the wagon with the handle pulled in. 

I just love that 3 of my 4 kiddos were laughing and enjoying each other.  Unfortunatley, J was at school.  Our school is so much more fun!!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

My Life in a Video

I have had so many things for blog posts swirling in my head, but no real time to sit and organize all of my thoughts.  Then, in the midst of the chaos, a video was released.  I seriously think the woman is stalking me, as the following is my life.  Well, condensed anyway.  I could add so much more.

Thanks Anita Renfroe.
