Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Let the fun begin

Well, its official.  We are done with home school.  For the summer.  For the next school year too!!  I stayed up late - like vampire late- to get report cards done for the last 2 years.  Honestly I thought I did them last year, but since I cannot seem to find them I had to do them again.  I actually like vampire hours.  Just not real vampires, to be clear.

Tomorrow morning I will officially register T and L in elementary school!  The same one my kids have attended before (that we LOVE).  Except L of course.   I know everyone is ready for summer break, but seriously people, I am ready for August 15th.  Just kidding.  Kind of.

Don't get me wrong, I love having my kids around, and will miss them terribly when they go.  What you don't realize is that, for the first time in nearly 13 years, I will have time alone.  Without even one child.  Daily.  Wow.  Are we done forever?  Only time will tell.  I am just one of those "take it one day/week/month/year/decade at a time kinda gal.  Right now we are doing what we feel is right for our family.  That does seem to change over time.

Whatever will I do with the never-ending time few hours between drop off and pick up?  I will figure that out as I go.   I am thinking meditation,  mani-pedi and lunch with friends,  Bible study that I can commit to,  taking up Soap Operas and eating Bon-Bons,  making time for the thousands of house projects that need finished, starting a few more, chaperoning field trips, getting to go to the awards day presentations, getting back into a good exercise routine,  volunteer work...... Oh my word.  I may need to send them to boarding school to have enough time.

All I know is that today- It is officially SUMMER.  Let the fun begin!!

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