Sunday, June 12, 2011

Perfect, Powerful

"The name of the Lord is a strong tower;
the righteous run to it and are safe."
Proverbs 18:10

I have many friends that I have been praying for lately.  All for very different reasons, as each situation is unique.  As I was thinking and praying today, my thoughts went to a crosstitch that I did for my mother several years ago.  At the top was the verse above, and the many names of the Lord followed.

El Shaddai  -  The All Sufficient One

El Elyon     -  The Most High God

El Olam     -  The Everlasting God

Elohim       -  Creator

Adonai      -  Lord, Master

Qanna      -  Jealous

Yahweh    -  Lord (Jehovah)

Jehovah-nissi   -  The Lord My Banner

Jehovah-raah   -  The Lord My Sheperd

Jehovah-jireh   -  The Lord Will Provide

Jehovah-rapha    -  The Lord that Heals

Jehovah-shalom    -  The Lord Is Peace

Jehovah-sabaoth   -  The Lord of Hosts

Jehovah-shammah   -  The Lord Is There

Jehovah-tsidkenu     -  The Lord Our Righteousness

Jehovah-mekoddishkem   -  The Lord Who Sanctifies You

There are many more,  these are just the ones included on the cross stitch pattern.  I love that He has given us a way to personally call on Him when we have specific needs.

If ever a trial arises that is so overwhelming that you cannot get your thoughts and emotions under control, there is another perfect, powerful name that you can call out over and over.  It alone will bring perfect, powerful peace:   JESUS.   Simple, yet oh so effective.  I've tried it- it works.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Redneck Hot Tub

Do you have kids?

Do they ever utter the words "I'm bored"?

Well, here's an idea to get them NOT bored!!  Big Daddy has named this the Redneck Hot Tub, but you can call it whatever you want. 

Its cheap and easy.  All you need is a large, empty (and preferably clean) trash can and a hose!!  (Just don't worry about the water bill until it comes in the mail)

Happy Summer, my friends!!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Let the fun begin

Well, its official.  We are done with home school.  For the summer.  For the next school year too!!  I stayed up late - like vampire late- to get report cards done for the last 2 years.  Honestly I thought I did them last year, but since I cannot seem to find them I had to do them again.  I actually like vampire hours.  Just not real vampires, to be clear.

Tomorrow morning I will officially register T and L in elementary school!  The same one my kids have attended before (that we LOVE).  Except L of course.   I know everyone is ready for summer break, but seriously people, I am ready for August 15th.  Just kidding.  Kind of.

Don't get me wrong, I love having my kids around, and will miss them terribly when they go.  What you don't realize is that, for the first time in nearly 13 years, I will have time alone.  Without even one child.  Daily.  Wow.  Are we done forever?  Only time will tell.  I am just one of those "take it one day/week/month/year/decade at a time kinda gal.  Right now we are doing what we feel is right for our family.  That does seem to change over time.

Whatever will I do with the never-ending time few hours between drop off and pick up?  I will figure that out as I go.   I am thinking meditation,  mani-pedi and lunch with friends,  Bible study that I can commit to,  taking up Soap Operas and eating Bon-Bons,  making time for the thousands of house projects that need finished, starting a few more, chaperoning field trips, getting to go to the awards day presentations, getting back into a good exercise routine,  volunteer work...... Oh my word.  I may need to send them to boarding school to have enough time.

All I know is that today- It is officially SUMMER.  Let the fun begin!!